When I was growing up, there was a poster in our school that said “You ARE what you EAT!” Being snarky kids, that of course, led to a flood of name calling based on what someone had to eat for lunch.
As an adult, I realize how true that statement is. Good nutrition is essential for health and wellness of the entire body, especially the skin which is a person’s largest organ. Eating a healthy, balanced diet helps the body to regulate all of its systems better than if we’re polluting our bodies with processed, chemical filled food.
Even more important than good food is water, which is absolutely essential to good skin health. Anytime your skin is dry or your lips are chapped, you are probably suffering from dehydration, at least to a certain point. For those of us living in very cold, dry, windy places during the winter, dehydration is much more prolific. I can’t emphasize how important proper hydration is to the body and skin.
I’m a big water drinker. Other than my coffee in the morning, water is always my preferred beverage of choice. I drink it all day long and with every meal. I usually even drink at least 16 oz. throughout the night, as I wake up thirsty at least twice a night.
I realize there are a lot of you out there that don’t really love to just drink water. Fortunately, now there are many options available that give water an extra flavor zing. Flavored water, as well as concentrated flavor drops or powdered flavor packets that can be added to a glass of water, and the plethora of healthy decaffeinated teas available that also provide you with a full glass of water. Having water with you at all times is essential. That way you can occasionally take a sip from a bottle or glass throughout the day, and you might be surprised at how much water you drink in a day.
Also, at least for me, taking a drink of water makes my mouth and teeth feel cleaner and not so dry.
One other problem I have had throughout my life is chronic mild to moderate headaches. I went through a period of time where, in order to try and keep them from becoming severe, I was taking way too much aspirin or ibuprofen. In an effort to cut back on too much over the counter medication, I did some simple research about natural remedies for headaches. Guess what? Those mild to moderate frequently occurring headaches can be your body telling you to drink a glass of water. Now, if I feel a headache coming on, I reach for a full glass of water instead of medication, and I am virtually headache free for the first time that I can remember.
Great skincare formulations made with good, quality ingredients are really important to the health of your skin, keeping it moisturized and smooth. Drinking enough water is equally important. Hydrate from the inside and the outside for best results.